

My favorite classes this semester are Computational Tools and Project. I'm really enjoying them because I'm learning new skills, like how to create a website and model in Blender. I’m also improving my hand-drawn sheets and learning to observe our environment from a designer’s perspective. It’s exciting to develop both technical and creative abilities. On the other hand, the classes I’m not enjoying as much are Processes and Prototypes. This subject is more focused on industrial design, whereas I’m more interested in the graphic side of design. We’ve done a lot of complex three-dimensional work, which can be overwhelming and isn’t my main area of interest. I try to manage my time by working on assignments in advance, though sometimes it works better than other times. In my free time, I like to spend time with friends or enjoy some alone time. I also enjoy going to the market and playing the guitar. This semester has been very busy since I’m taking seven courses, and although it

A Newspaper Article


A School Teacher I Remember

A school teacher I remember was my art teacher in high school. She was Ms. Pilar. Although I didn't like her much at first, she quickly became one of my favorite teachers. I had my first class with her in seventh grade on my very first day at my new school. It was an art workshop, and the first thing she had us do was recreate a portrait of a woman. While I had some previous experience with art, she truly helped me develop my skills. When I decided I wanted to study design, she was the first teacher I told, and she was thrilled for me. In my last year of high school, she entrusted me with one of the biggest projects I've ever done: designing a mural for the school's folk dance event. It was exciting because it allowed me to leave a lasting mark on the school. The last time I saw her was last year. I showed her some of the projects I’ve worked on at university, and she was so excited that she mentioned recreating some of the ideas with her students! (We don't have photo

Fiestas Patrias

 Hi FAU bloggers, I hope you had a great time at Fiestas Patrias, so, I will talk how my celebration was. My celebration started on September 13th, with my friends, we stayed at the university after classes to celebrate and start these parties. I really had a great time because we ate and drank a lot!! and with my friends Sofi and Fer participated in a tournament of Taca-Taca , althought we only passed one stage, the laughter was not lacking. After that day, I had really quiet days until September 18th, my aunt came to my house to celebrate! we ate a lot of "empanadas de pino" (by the wat, made by my mom and with a unique southern recipe). On september 19th, my dad prepared a delicious barbeque with some types of meat and delicious "choripanes"!!! To sum up, this parties for me was based on eating, and eating, and eating a lot and especially resting from university.

A Friend of High School

 A friend I made at High School is my best friend Juan Carlos. I met him when I changed schools in 7th grade, maybe in July or August (this was in 2017), but we started to talk thanks to the pandemic times. In 2021 we had hybrid classes, so we were the only ones who attended to presencial classes. Since this time we are good friends! also Juan Carlos, even was next to me on the class list (His last name is Ruiz and mine is Rojas). We love to spending time together, like going to the Costanera Center or Santiago downtown. Also, we like eating hamburguers from "Jhonny Rockets" and "Carl's Jr".  My friend is studying mining engineering in the University of Santiago de Chile, he is in his 1st year of the career. Right now, I don't see my friend much, the last time we saw each other was in July, because our times don't fit at all, but we appreciate our friendship! :)

My Five Favorites

 Hello FAU bloggers! today I'm going to tell you my five favorites, this time I will talk you about music, a movie, a piece of technology, a book and a trinket. Favorite Song One of my favorite songs of my life is one called " 2022 " from the band " Fother Muckers ". The lyrics of this song invite you to share simple but meaningful moments, such as walking throught a park or sharing a box of wine, highlighting that these daily acts gain value when they are performed in company. The sound of the guitars and the voice makes me feel in a safe place, enjoying every second of this song, but the part I love the most is when it says "No hay deuda que no se pague ni plazo que no llegue". Favorite Movie I think one of my favorites movies is Ratatouille, I saw this movie as a child, and I remeber feeling many sensations when I watching it. The movie is about Remy, a rat from Paris who loves cooking and the good food,  he want to become a chef but the problem is

A Good Friend

Hi FAU bloggers! today I will leave you a summary of the British Council Website and I will tell you a little about who my good friend is. The article talk about the international day of friendship, celebrated on July 30. It highlights the importance of friendship in both personal well-being and global peace. The day was oficially recognized by the UN in 2011, but it originated from a 1958 initiative in Paraguay. Different countries celebrate Frienship Days on various dates, with activities that typically involve spending time together and exchanging small gifts. I'ts important to recognize the value of friends and peace trought friendship. One of my good friend is Antonella. Antonella is a design student and I met her in the induction of University. We instantly clicked because of our sense of humor , which makes a great duo!! We love spending time together, especially watching memes, eating "conazos" from Doggis, visiting open markets and watching videos of Felipe Avell