Something special
One of the most special thing to me is my electric guitar. It is a Squier Stratocaster that has accompanied me throughout my musical journey, a hobby I have been pursuing since 2017. This guitar was a birthday gift from my dad in 2017, as I had shown interest and progress in playing the guitar, and it was seen as the next step in developing this passion. The guitar is a Stratocaster model, black with a marbled effect that makes it visually striking. I have performed with it several times in live school shows, which have left me with wonderful memories. I love this guitar because it produces a sound that I personally enjoy (light and fresh) which perfectly matches the genres I usually like to play, such as indie rock Additionally, as I mentioned before, I associate this guitar with many cherished memories, making it a vessel for countless stories and experiences. There are some photos if my presentations en school. This guitar is one of my most treasured possessions because it has been